Thursday, 24 October 2013

Over all feedback from my costume ideas.

Overall people seemed to like the costumes I have chosen so far for my digipak images. The main things they liked about them where:
  • ·      The bright bold colors as they reflected the pop genre.
  • ·      The fact there are dresses and skirts included as they are very girly items of clothing and help reflect my artists personality and help relate to the female audience.
  • ·      The use of floral patterns because again they help reflect genre and audience but also relate to my idea theme for my digipak (nature.)

There are certain parts of the costumes I need to consider changing or altering though from the feedback I was given such as:
  • ·      Include accessories such as jewelry to make it more pop/ feminine.
  • ·      Don’t use a lot of black clothing items as it may start to come across as slightly punk/rock.
  • ·      Make sure the costumes don’t come across as too childish- include more mature items of clothing to relate to the older audience. 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Audience feedback on costumes for my digipak.

This is the feedback I have been given back so far from people that have answered my questionnaires. 

Questionnaire- Digipak costume feedback.

This is a questionnaire I have made in order to get feedback from people of their opinions on the costumes I have chosen so far for my digipak. I am going to send people this questionnaire from my blog and ask them to fill it out and send it back to me with their feedback.


These are the costumes so far I have chosen for my artist to wear in my digipak images.

1. Do you think these costumes reflect an Indie Pop genre? If not, why not? If yes, how?

2. What parts of the costumes do you think work the best?

3. Are there any items of clothing you do not think will suit well with my genre/ ideas?

4. Are there any other items of clothing (style) you think I should include more in my digipak images?


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Costume ideas for my digipak.

I have started to look into clothes I would like my artist to be wearing in the images I will use for my digipak. These are a few ideas I have so far based on what I think is suitable for my genre of music which is indie pop. 
I have gone for quite a few floral items of clothing because I think they reflect the indie pop genre due to them being very bright and happy patterns/colours. Also I think floral prints will reflect well the fact my artist is a female girly girl artist with a young female target audience as it suits them well also. An idea I have had for the digipak is for it to have a theme where my artist is holding a flower in almost every photo or there is some representation of nature, and by her wearing flower will match this idea. 
I have also gone for a few darker outfits which include black to make my artist seem very bold and important so she stands out well in parts of the digipak as she is the centre of attention for her music. 

Monday, 21 October 2013

Logo ideas

I have started to look into a logo for my artist Katy Heart and how I may want it to look. Firstly I have started to think about font as the font I use is important as it represents and reflects the genre of music and the artist. 

I have started to do this by looking on the website dafont:

I want to go for a style of writing that is feminine due to my artist being a female and her target audience females also. These are the fonts I have looked at so far:

Although I want my Logo to be feminine I also don't want it to come across as too feminine as it might start to look too childish and where my target audience goes up to the age of 20 I need to keep it in a way mature so it still suits them. 
I think all of these fonts are good because they are all girly and happy fonts but I want to get other peoples opinions on them before I take them into making an actual logo. 

Pitch feedback from class.

This is the feedback I got from the class after doing my pitch about my music video/ artist. 

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Plan for digipak.

Below this post is my first plan for how I want the layout of my digipak for my artist. I have included things such as where I want certain things to go and the type of images I want to include. The main theme I have thought about for my artist is being in nature and I want to try and keep this theme consistent throughout my digipak. The reason I want to focus mainly on this idea is because the video I have thought about making for this artist is set in a natural environment such as in the woods. I also have thought about keeping certain looks consistent on each page such as my artist wearing red lipstick and there always being some form of glitter added into the photos.

Because my artist is from a Pop Indie genre I think it is important to have her shown on almost every page of the digipak to show that she is a main selling point for her music due to her image. I want her to be wearing a different outfit in each image to emphasize that style is important for her look, but I want her makeup to remain almost the same in every picture so it stays some what consistent (red lipstick.) I have also decided that I would like a close up image of my artist taking up the whole front cover of the digipak. This is so things such as her features and makeup stand out and become known to people that that is her image. Also I want to make it clear that she is the most important part of her music which I have shown again by having her name printed in big letters and the album title in small underneath. 

Layout of my digipak- Plan.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

2nd Audience research

I decided to do some more audience research by this time giving people images of examples of the look I want my artist to have. I also then asked questions for them to answer on if they think the images suit the genre. I played them the song again to see whether they think the images suit the song also. 


Overall people thought that the images represented an Indie genre due to it being a young stylish artist with nice hair and makeup which a lot of pop indie artists have as a key factor of their image. Some people thought that the images portrayed a Rock genre due to the makeup so I am going to make the makeup a bit more subtle so it looks less rock. Everyone I got feedback from said that they do think the music suits the images shown of the image of my artist because they believe the style and music both sound and look like they are from an indie Pop genre. 

Overall reactions from audience research.

After asking four different people for their opinions about certain things on my artist and my chosen song It has given me a more clear idea whether my ideas are suitable or not. 
Most people said that the name Katy Heart sounds like it matches my chosen genre of music which is Indie Pop.
Over all the ideas for appearance of my artist from listening to the song was: bold makeup, long nice hair, bright colours, good fashion. 
Ideas that came from the music for setting of the music video is: nature (somewhere with lots of trees and flowers), low lighting (props such as candles and fairy lights.) 

The feed back I got from people overall was good as it was what I hoped to get. It has given me a clearer image of how i want my artist to be portrayed through the music video and what setting and props I would consider to include. 

Audience research

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Audience research

I have started to form a questionnaire to get other peoples opinions on my artist, this is to see whether my ideas all link together such as artist name and genre and the look I am thinking of for my artist.

The questions I have so far... 

Audience research

What genre of music would you associate with the name Katy Heart?

(To see if people think the name and genre match)

What characteristics would you think of when thinking about other female artists from this genre?

(To see whether the audience profiling I have already created is accurate/ if there are any other things people think I should include)

Chosen song: - (I want to play people the song to see whether they think my artist suits this piece of music with things such as style and her name)

Do you think this song suits the artist’s name?

What setting and environments do you think of when listening to this song?

Colors, props, costumes, hair, makeup?

Any other aspects you would associate with this piece of music? 

Things you wouldn't involve with this piece of music?

(I want to get any other opinions on things people may feel need to be involved that I might have missed out of not thought about or any things people think should not be included and do not relate in anyway. This is will hopefully help me get a clear range of audiences opinions on what is good and bad.)