Saturday, 5 October 2013

Overall reactions from audience research.

After asking four different people for their opinions about certain things on my artist and my chosen song It has given me a more clear idea whether my ideas are suitable or not. 
Most people said that the name Katy Heart sounds like it matches my chosen genre of music which is Indie Pop.
Over all the ideas for appearance of my artist from listening to the song was: bold makeup, long nice hair, bright colours, good fashion. 
Ideas that came from the music for setting of the music video is: nature (somewhere with lots of trees and flowers), low lighting (props such as candles and fairy lights.) 

The feed back I got from people overall was good as it was what I hoped to get. It has given me a clearer image of how i want my artist to be portrayed through the music video and what setting and props I would consider to include. 

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